John Hagedoorn has an M.Sc. in economic sociology and political
economy from the University of Leiden (cum laude) and a PhD. in
industrial organization economics from the University of Maastricht
professional experience ranges from policy research to academic
research and from applied economics to management and international
business studies.
worked as (senior) researcher for the Dutch research organisation TNO,
and for Maastricht University as professor of Strategy and
International Business at the School of Business and Economics.
He is currently professor of Strategy and International Business at
Royal Holloway, University of London, School of Management,
professorial fellow with the United Nations University - MERIT in
Maastricht, and honorary professor (emeritus) at Maastricht University.
was a visiting scholar and visiting professor at SPRU (University of
Sussex) in 1983-1984, CEPR (Stanford University) 1996, CISTP (The
George Washington University) 1997, the Haas School of the University
of California at Berkeley 1998-1999, the University of Paris 1999 and
the business school of the National University of Singapore 2004.
Hagedoorn developed courses on Alliances and M&As,
International Business, Innovation Management, International Business
History, European Strategic Management, Economics of Technical Change.
During the period 1993-1998 he initiated and coordinated the very
successful International Business degree program at the University of
research is published in a wide variety of journals such as the
Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Business
History, Business History Review, Global Strategy Journal, Industrial
and Corporate Change,
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Journal
of Financial Economics, Journal of International Business Studies,
Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Media Economics, Journal of
Common Market Studies, Managerial and Decision Economics, Organization
Studies, Research Policy, Review of Industrial Organization, Small
Business Economics, Strategic
Management Journal, Strategic Organization, Technology Analysis &
Strategic Management, Technovation, and World Development.
He is at the editorial board
of a number of journals and acts as a referee for a large number of
is a member of the Academy of Management, the British Academy of
Management, the UK-based Society for the Advancement of Management
Studies (SAMS) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
from academic research his professional experience is frequently
used as a consultant for international organizations such as the EC,
the European Investment Bank, the OECD and the UN, and for major
companies such as General Motors and the Dutch chemical company DSM.